A Letter From Our CEO
To my dearest Gateway colleagues and families,
The holiday season is upon us, and 2021 is roughly two weeks away. As difficult as 2020 was, it’s a relief to know that the holidays are here, and in just a few short weeks we can turn the calendar and start a new year.
The holidays typically allow us to take inventory of the past year and everything it brought, while celebrating with friends and family and looking ahead hopefully to all that will come when the calendar changes. While celebrations might be limited this year, when I look back on 2020, one word keeps coming to mind; bravery. The bravery of our nation’s citizens to face the unknown of COVID-19 and all that it would bring. The bravery of our healthcare staff throughout the nation, especially those here at Gateway, to go out every day to care for our clients and families. The bravery of our Gateway families, juggling the challenges of the virus while still trying to make headway for themselves, their kids, and oftentimes other family members. I could go on and on, but every single day I’m brought back to that word—bravery—when I think of our Gateway community and the courage everyone has shown throughout the year. That level of bravery has been nothing short of inspirational.
As the holiday season and New Year come into focus, I want to express the sincerest gratitude on behalf of all of our management team to the members of our Gateway community. The courage and bravery you have all shown throughout 2020 is what will inspire us in 2021 and long beyond. Simply put, you are all heroes, and we are just lucky to be able work beside you or serve your family. Thank you all, and here’s to 2021 bringing happiness, good health, and great times.

Michael Kouracos
Chief Executive Officer